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Back to School Swimming

Listed under Swimming Rocks

posted on 25th January 2019


Whilst many of you may still be enjoying your family holiday’s, some may already be thinking and planning for the new academic year ahead.
New school shoes, new uniform and new class teachers, the excitement of being back with old friends, making new ones and for parents and families, just the normality of routine again!
This also means that many of you will now be thinking about the after school or sporting activities that are available to your family and for many, swimming will be one of the essential skills that may well be top of the list.


How do you choose the right swim school for your children?

Swimming Rocks share some questions to consider…

  • Do we need private or group lessons?
  • What programmes do they offer?
  • Does the swim school have a reporting process for achievements and awards?
  • How experienced are their Instructors and will we have consistency with them across the whole year?
  • Are their team friendly, approachable and knowledgeable?
  • What are their swimming pools like? Are they warm and clean and what else do they offer. (This will add to the experience and ensure happy parents and happy students).
  • Do I feel confident that my child with progress with this company?

Here at Swimming Rocks HQ, we understand that new parents will have lots questions. We welcome these and have a kind, experienced and knowledgeable team of professionals who regularly have lengthy conversations with parents who are deciding to start out on their learn-to-swim journeys.



We understand that new school terms and for some, new schools may mean tired children for a week or two, however our advice is to choose your swim school earlier, get the routine of your day and time established and make sure you get the lesson that suits you before all the good slots get booked up.
Learning to swim is an essential life skill and a fantastic exercise, but it is also fun and the right company will encourage and develop your little ones on their learn to swim pathway.

Happy Swimming Everyone!