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Are You in Need of Some Mummy Time?

Listed under Parenting

posted on 01st July 2020

Article by Beth Strong, Scentered

Being a mum is like having a full-time job, a very enjoyable full time job! However, this particular job isn’t a 9-5, you don’t come home and ‘switch off’ from being a Mummy. Even when you are at work, spending time with friends or having a romantic dinner, there is always a part of your subconscious mind that is thinking about your children. “What are they up to?”, “Are they safe?”, “Are they happy?”, “Do they need me for something?”.

The overwhelming sense of love you have for your children is an incredible feeling, but it also means you put them before yourself in almost all instances. At Scentered we are here to tell you, it’s okay to put yourself first sometimes too! You’re doing an amazing job and you deserve it.

Being a mum can be very overwhelming and time consuming. As well as having to do everything you need to do for yourself, there are also school runs, laundry, dinner, arranging playdates, doctors appointments, early mornings, homework help. The list goes on! Whether you are a mother of one, or four, you have a newborn or grown teenagers, the stress of ‘mumming’ can build up. The lack of sleep and pressure to be a ‘perfect parent’ can often lead to us feeling overwhelmed and stressed. So what can you do to help?

As a mum it is often going against our logic to take time for ourselves. It is okay to take your foot off the pedal and dedicate some time to de-stressing and have a bit of selfcare. Don’t let yourself become ill with stress, take care of yourself and you will be happier, healthier and better able to care for your family too!

Ways to DE-STRESS as a mum…
Everyone de-stresses in their own way, what might work for one person, might not for another. Whilst we can all agree that a spa day would be fabulous right about now, for most of us this isn’t always a possibility. Instead there are some simple and inexpensive ways that you can DE-STRESS, even when you are on the go…

  1. Take a deep breath with DE-STRESS aromatherapy
    Taking a deep purposeful breath is a quick and simple way to give you a moment to slow down and take a mindful moment to yourself. Throughout your day if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, with tense shoulders or your jaw locked, STOP. Step away from the situation you are in, find a quiet space and close your eyes. As you do so take in a slow deep breath, focusing on nothing else except the moment you are in. As you exhale slowly, lower your shoulders and relax your jaw. To make this moment even more powerful, we recommend applying our DE-STRESS Aromatherapy Balm to your pulse points. As you are taking a deep breath, inhale the essential oil aromas that are warming on your skin. Specially formulated for stressed out moments, the Chamomile will promote calmness, Neroli will help you to feel uplifted and relaxed, and Maderin to help soothe tension and support feelings of well-being. When you open your eyes you can step into the next moment of your day with purpose, feeling de-stress and ‘scentered’.
  2. Enjoy a special treat, just for you!
    As a mum you often find that everything you have is shared. If you are eating a guilt-free treat, you can bet you will have little fingers wanting a taste too, or asking to come along on your shopping trip. Compromise is also another familiar concept, it is often their wants that come before yours. So, schedule something in your day or your week that is JUST FOR YOU. Whether this is something small like sitting down with a slice of chocolate cake and guilt-free gossip magazine, a bubble bath with no disruption from kids or even a weekend away with your girlfriends!
  3. Get fresh air
    Summer is the perfect time to step out and get some fresh air. Find some time during your day to spend a little time outside to yourself. From taking a 20 minute stroll on your lunch break to taking the dog for a walk in the warm summer evening, this time will allow you a moment to reflect and reconnect with nature. Stepping away from the craziness of being a mum for half an hour and feeling the warm sun on your skin will help you to slow down and smell the roses (or grass!).
  4. Laughter is medicine
    Laughter is one of the best antidotes to stress and releases those feel good chemicals! Lucky for us mums, we are never far away from laughter. Take a moment to hang out with your kids, they are bound to make you laugh in one way or another. Alternatively, watching your favourite comedian on Netflix will do!
  5. Be silly, be spontaneous!
    As mum’s we spend much of our time relying on routines, and for good reason! Sticking to a routine can help us to remember what needs to be done, and get it done on time. This routine can also get a little, boring? Waking up knowing everything that will happen in your day cna leave your feeling like a hamster on a wheel. Instead, try injecting a little silliness and spontaneity into your week. Whether this is an impromptu swimming trip, baking a cake for your dogs birthday or eating dinner in reverse. These little moments will be the ones you remember as a family and enjoy together.

Relax and save over £10 when you buy a Scentered De-Stress Set and an Escape Candle together for just £50 using the code RELAX.

Info to redeem and page: To redeem the offer simply head to our website page here, add both products to your cart and apply the code RELAX at checkout. This offer is only valid until the 17th July 2020.